Manufacturers across North America are challenged to attract, hire, develop and integrate younger employees to address new opportunities and to replace older, experienced workers who are retiring.

The good news is there are simple, low/no cost ways to “future-proof” your workforce. Our best practices enable you to successfully find, hire and engage millennial and younger employees. All it takes is a shift in thinking by typically older supervisors, managers and executives.

Talk with us to begin exploring an assessment and plan with step by step actions to take and principles to apply to energize and modernize your organization.

We pleased to offer special project management skills training, taught by a certified Project Management Professional based on sound principles, but from a very pragmatic, actionable perspective.

Enhance workforce engagement by understanding generational differences

  • Successful recruitment
  • Skills development in technical engineering, communications and project management
  • Retention
  • Work priorities
  • Focus
  • Life priorities and interests
  • Communication styles
  • Values
  • Emotional needs

To be successful in growing your team and developing talent you will need to address public relations, marketing, social media messaging, job descriptions, work schedules, on-boarding process, training, reviews, team building and knowledge transfer.

Here is the litmus test to see if we can help you – what would happen if you were to tell a new young employee “Jump!”. What would this new person say and do in response?

Older experienced Gen X team members in their 40’s and early 50’s and Baby Boomers in their late 50’s and 60’s will quickly respond with “How high?”.

A millennial or freshly graduated Gen Z person will respond with a puzzled look followed by “Why?”.

If the reason for this difference  is not clear to you and your leaders, we should meet to explore how you can establish a healthy talent development process for your company.

Start a conversation to identify success strategies and solutions.